At the beginning it's a family story...
In 2012, Jean-Paul MARI discussed with Olivier MAS (his son-in-law) a new emerging technology: high-density molded pulp. Little developed in France, this technology offers great promise as a sustainable and ecological alternative to single-use plastic packaging.
Olivier is immediately seduiced by the idea and both are convinced of the future of this recyclable and compostable packaging solution, in France and in Europe.
In 2013, they decide to combine their skills and to create the company Cellulopack. They invested in their first two machines and two new partners join the adventure: Jean-Yves Chomel (in charge of R&D) and Audrey Mas (in charge of sales development).
The first machines were installed at the end of 2013 and production began in Castelsarrasin (near Toulouse) at the beginning of 2014 with the manufacture of cup holders made from recycled cardboard. These first products quickly found markets at the European level, which allowed Cellulopack to finance a major R&D project around products suitable for food contact. Research which led them to file, in 2016, a French patent for the first 100% compostable food container (EN 13432) in molded cellulose: RestOKompost.
Over the years, Cellulopack continues to invest in new machines, innovate and develop its tailor-made product offering. Now the historic site of Castelsarrasin is no longer big enough...
In 2023, Cellulopack will therefore complete the construction of a second production site in Campsas intended to meet growing demand, particularly in the field of food packaging.
With this new production site, Cellulopack clearly displays its ambition; become a key player in molded cellulose packaging and offer innovative ecological solutions.
The Cellulopack team is at your disposal to help you design your ecological and sustainable packaging of tomorrow.
Do not hesitate to contact us.